Li Li


Department of Computer Science
School of Computing
National University of Singapore

Office: COM2-01-09,
Software Engineering Lab

Tel:        +65-83990177
Email:    li-li at comp dot nus dot edu dot sg

I got my PhD degree under the supervision of Prof. Jin Song Dong. I am broadly interested in cyber security and formal methods, including security related protocol verification, model checking, secure system design and sensor networks.


Li Li, Jun Sun, Yang Liu, and Jin Song Dong. Verifying Parameterised Timed Authentication Protocols. In Proceeding of The 20th International Symposium on Formal Methods. Springer. Norway, 2015. (Core Rank A, 26% Acceptance Rate)

Guangdong Bai, Jun Sun, Jianliang Wu, Quanqi Ye, Li Li, Jin Song Dong, Shanqing Guo. All Your Sessions are Belong to us: Investigating Authenticator Leakage through Backup Channels on Android. In Proceeding of The 20th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. IEEE CS. Australia, 2015. (Core Rank A, 22.7% Acceptance Rate) Best Paper Award.

Li Li, Jun Sun, Yang Liu, and Jin Song Dong. TAuth: Verifying Timed Security Protocols. In Proceeding of The 16th International Conference On Formal Engineering Methods. Springer. Luxembourg, 2014. (Core Rank B, 30% Acceptance Rate)

Li Li, Hong Hu, Jun Sun, Yang Liu, and Jin Song Dong. Practical Analysis Framework for Software-based Attestation Scheme. In Proceeding of The 16th International Conference On Formal Engineering Methods. Springer. Luxembourg, 2014. (Core Rank B, 30% Acceptance Rate)

Xie Xiaofei, Li Xiaohong, Liu Yang, Li Li, Feng Ruitao, and Feng Zhiyong. Automatic Verification for Later-Correspondency of Security Protocols. In Proceeding of The 4th International Workshop on SOFL + MSVL. Springer. Luxembourg, 2014.

Li Li, Jun Pang, Yang Liu, Jun Sun, and Jin Song Dong. Symbolic Analysis of an Electric Vehicle Charging Protocol. In Proceeding of The 19th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. IEEE CS. China, 2014. (Core Rank A, 27.4% Acceptance Rate)

Publications In Submission

Li Li, Jun Sun and Jin Song Dong. Automated Verification of Timed Security Protocols with Clock Drift.

Li Li, Jun Sun, Yang Liu, Meng Sun and Jin Song Dong. A Formal Specification and Verification Framework for Timed Security Protocols.

Li Li, Naipeng Dong, Jun Pang, Jun Sun, Guangdong Bai, Yang Liu, Jin Song Dong. A Verification Framework for Stateful Security Protocols.